If you have written or published an English or bilingual book or composed or produced a CD, DVD card or calendar, prints etc., that fits into any of the three categories mentioned above, we would be pleased to display it.
The project includes English or bilingual books or music that:
(1) Have been written, performed or created by someone who has lived at least six months in the Eastern Townships; or
(2) Have the Townships or some aspect of life in the region as its main subject matter; or
(3) Have been published or produced in the Eastern Townships.
The major cost of coordinating and publicizing Townships Expressions is covered by Canadian Heritage. However, administration costs have steadily risen as Townships Expressions has grown to be a year-round endeavor that includes sales from Townshippers’ offices and website. For this reason, Townshippers’ Association retains 20% of gross sales to help defray administration costs.
All submissions should include a High Quality image of the product (600 x 600 preferred) and a full description of your work for the Townships Expressions website.
You must be a member of Townshippers’ Association which is $10 a year under 60 or $5 a year over 60 years old and free for 21 years and under. Each participant decides how many copies of each work to submit.
Exhibitors are responsible for delivering their merchandise to Townshippers’ Association’s offices at 3355 College Street, Sherbrooke , QC J1M 0B8.
The exhibit season extends from April 1 to March 31st of each year. Participants’ works will be displayed at the Townships’ Expressions webstore. If your merchandise is at the office, and your registration form and cheque are received before the scheduled events, your merchandise will be displayed and, if possible, sold.
Exhibitors are also responsible for picking up their merchandise at the end of the season. If you register for the following year, you may leave your unsold works at our offices. However, if you choose not to register again, and have not picked up your works by June 30th, Townshippers’ Association reserves the right to dispose of or donate the works at our discretion.
For more information:
[email protected]
819-566-5717 (toll free 1-866-566-5717)