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Estrie Public Health Directors Report

In Sept 2016, the public health director for the Estrie region released a report health and education outcomes of anglophones and immigrants and the region’s francophones. The “Responding to the needs of linguistic and cultural communities in the Estrie” report looks at a number of factors influencing the health and wellness of these communities and provides recommendations. Available on the public health directors website [], Townshippers’ is happy to provide a copy of this report, in English, for download on this page.

Flu/Gastro Decision assistant

Quebec’s Health Ministry has created a quick-reference guide to help determine your symptoms and decide what treatment to seek for the flu or gastroenteritis. The information in this publication is not meant to replace the advice of a health professional. If you have questions about your state of health, call info-Santé 8-1-1 or contact a health professional. More health information can be found online at

Health & Social Services Career Opportunities Catalogue: Estrie

As a comprehensive guide to careers in the health and social services sector in the region, this guide will allow you to explore more than 100 kinds of jobs that exist in the health and social services fields, with a breakdown of required responsibilities for the role, required training, and employment outlook. The catalog is organized by job category so that readers can easily skip to a section that features information about jobs that match their interests, and a section listing the English-language educational programs and institutions offering training will help you figure out where to start your path.

This guide takes a closer look at opportunities in the Estrie region. For an Montérégie-East region guide, please follow the related product below.

Health & Social Services Career Opportunities Catalogue: Montérégie-East region

As a comprehensive guide to careers in the health and social services sector in the region, this guide will allow you to explore more than 100 kinds of jobs that exist in the health and social services fields, with a breakdown of required responsibilities for the role, required training, and employment outlook. The catalog is organized by job category so that readers can easily skip to a section that features information about jobs that match their interests, and a section listing the English-language educational programs and institutions offering training will help you figure out where to start your path.

This guide takes a closer look at opportunities in the Montérégie-East region. For an Estrie region guide, please follow the related product below.

Maintaining Life Balance while Caregiving

Whether by choice or circumstances, caregiving for a family member, friend or neighbour can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. The Information and Support Guide for Caregivers was created help current and future caregivers who are caring for an elderly family member or friend, whether planned or unexpected. The guide offers advice on various aspects of care,  as well as useful tips to help caregivers adapt to their new lifestyle and living arrangements in order to ensure a better quality of life for both the caregiver and the person they are caring for.

The Cargivers guide is an initiative of the Table de réflexion et d’action des retraités et des aînés de La MRC Rivière-du-Nord with support from l’Appui Laurentides and CISSS des Laurentides

Santé bien être des aînés : Guide de collecte de fonds

Le but du présent guide est d’aider les organismes qui offrent des programmes de santé et de bien-être aux aînés des Cantons-de-l’Est historiques à élaborer des plans durables de collecte de fonds et à diversifier leurs sources de financement.

En se donnant un plan de collecte de fonds, votre organisme cessera d’être réactif pour devenir proactif. Au lieu de faire des pieds et des mains pour trouver du financement, vous serez en mesure de regarder vers l’avant, d’anticiper vos besoins et de travailler à les satisfaire à court et à long terme. Votre plan de collecte de fonds orientera vos efforts et agira comme une feuille de route; il vous aidera à demeurer dans la bonne voie et à garder le cap sur vos objectifs. Il vous aidera aussi à assurer la pérennité de votre organisme et de ses activités. En adoptant une approche plus systématique à la collecte de fonds, vous serez en mesure d’obtenir plus d’argent, de cibler vos efforts, de mesurer vos progrès et d’identifier les occasions favorables, ainsi que d’impliquer plus de joueurs clés dans la démarche – ce qui se traduira en fin de compte par un renforcement de votre organisme.

Le présent guide est destiné à rendre les organismes plus autonomes dans leurs efforts de collecte de fonds. Il existe de nombreuses ressources disponibles et différents moyens d’organiser vos initiatives de collecte de fonds. Vous êtes incités à examiner les diverses options qui s’offrent à vous et à déterminer ce qui convient le mieux pour votre organisme.

Un merci très spécial à la Fondation Uni-Aide qui a généreusement orienté le travail des créateurs de ce guide et mis en commun des plans de collectes de fonds passées.

Seniors’ Health & Wellness Fundraising Guide

Created by Townshippers’ Association, this guide is designed to help organizations providing health and wellness programming to seniors in the historical Eastern Townships, in developing sustainable fundraising plans and diversifying their funding sources.  A fundraising plan can help your organization shift from being reactive to proactive. Instead of scrambling to find funding, you’ll be able to look forward, anticipate your needs, and work towards meeting them in the short and long term.

Created with the support of the Community Health and Social Services Network, funded by Health Canada through the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities. Special thanks to the Uni-Aide Foundation for generously sharing guidance and past fundraising plans with the creators of this guide.

Your Health Guide 2018

Provided by the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, this guide will direct you to the right resources at the right time according to your health status and assist you in making enlightened decisions when it comes to your health. This file can also be downloaded from